Posts tagged neuse news
The Journey, Ep. 53 - Bleeps and Protests

This is our day. Yes, we have fun. Yes, we do our work. Then something happens in an instant and our entire office gets focused on the task at hand. We continue to pray for our country and for healing. But these moments are why we document #thejourney.

The Journey, Ep. 53 - Bleeps and Protests

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Work Hard, Play Hard - The Journey, Ep. 48

Over the last seven days: 228 pieces of content, post-election wrap-up, started and finished a website project, started another website, bought another ______ 👀 🤐, and more, and yet we still had a BLAST. It IS POSSIBLE to work hard and enjoy #thejourney.

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Behind the Scenes: Election Night Results Show

Election 2020: 39,400 minutes viewed. 10,400 people reached across 10 states and 10 countries. 467 hearts. 40 shares. 455 comments. And we cannot forget the STARS WAR that went down in the comments - total star count - 9,735. The best part? Informing our community of what was happening right here in OUR backyard. Thank you for making our Election 2020 Results Show a huge success! We do what we do for you!

The Journey, Episode 47

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About last month…again

At the October 5th Kinston City Council meeting, the elected members unanimously approved two motions allowing city employees new vacation days for June 19 and Election Day. With roughly less than five minutes of discussion, both motions passed.

The City of Kinston has 378 positions on payroll and have about 350 positions filled at this time. Let’s assume all 350 are eligible to vote. If 70% take the time to vote, that will equate to approximately 245 employees exercising that right. If 61.2% have already cast their ballots in our area, it would mean about 214 employees have already done so.

Based on historical numbers, the cost per vote on Election Day (31) is roughly $1,729, plus time and a half for our police, fire and other essential employees.

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Publisher or Platform? It’s time to end Big Tech censorship

One of the unique ideals of our country is that we’re able to express views and beliefs without fear of reprisal or censorship. And the internet has brought forth a plethora of opportunities to distribute information through a multitude of platforms and websites. But with the acceptance of differing voices came also the silencing of dissenting opinions by those with a monopoly on power and information...namely Facebook, Google and Twitter. These tech giants have created amazing platforms for people to connect, yet now have the undaunting task of policing those platforms in the scope of free speech without sacrificing what their ad dollars crave - your attention and engagement.

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Preparing for Election Night - The Journey, Ep. 45

12 days away from Election Day and our LIVE Election Night Results Show, but we have been planning for weeks. The pace is fast, creative, and challenging at times but we have the best team in town and we are all excited for November 3rd. This broadcast will be like no other. It's a big night for Neuse News but just another small step along The Journey and we are loving every second.

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Chinese media veterans create News Break mobile app, which is stealing data too

While TikTok has been all over the news after President Trump drew attention to the potential theft of data from Americans and the endangerment of officials, a silent giant has put the hard work and talent of local entrepreneurs and workers on display without permission or a conversation. News Break, created by Chinese media veterans, is a news aggregator application that is robbing small American businesses of their intellectual property, infringing upon copyrighted material, and denying them the potential for revenue.

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Midnight Blog: Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality.

On Friday night I went to bed much earlier than usual. Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality. 🤣 However, I woke up in the middle of the night with multiple things weighing on my mind. Things like the Lenoir County School Board, my upcoming 40th birthday and the 2020 elections. 

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Having a Blast - The Journey, Episode 32

This episode of The Journey really captures the personality and atmosphere in which we get to work on a daily basis. It looks like we are having a lot of fun and we are. But what you do not see is that between Neuse News and Magic Mile Media our team was responsible for 147 pieces of content just last week. Yes, we actually do work really hard. And we have a blast doing it. It is so important to love what you do!

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The Journey, Episode 23 - Coronavirus, Day 1

On Monday Brandon Potter and I had a real talk about our businesses and how small business owners will need to adapt to the Coronavirus. This may be the most brutally honest video we've ever done. This vlog series is not scripted, it's just a camera capturing the moments. So proud of our team and what we're trying to accomplish to help our communities. DOERS are greater than COMPLAINERS

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The Journey, Ep. 19 - 2019 Interns Victory Tour

Our 2019 Summer Interns joined me recently to discuss the integration of their education and professional goals with southeastern NC Career and Technical Education professionals who met at Kinston High School. The inaugural internship experiment at Neuse News and Magic Mile Media was a huge success because we all worked to match their skill sets and talents with projects for our companies and clients.

Three of our five interns (Gracie Herring, Parker Mitchell and Ethan Cahoon) discussed our program with these professionals and then we went back to our office and chatted about improvements for our 2020 Summer Internship Program.

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