Posts tagged lenoir county
Bonus: Chat with Rochelle Middle School's TikTok Teacher - The Journey, Ep. 130-B

In our vlog's bonus edition, learn more about why Rochelle Middle School's TikTok Teacher - Ms. Kaylah Blount - got on the platform in the first place. And see how she uses TikTok as a reward for her students to learn math concepts.

Here's hoping Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, and other celebrities pick up on the great things our "@FavoriteTeacherAlert" is doing in Kinston, NC. Special thanks to Lenoir County Public Schools for allowing her to continue pouring into our students in such a positive way.

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From a Few Cookies to All the Things - The Journey, Ep 115

BJ gets conned into buying lunch for the whole office. The interns also learn a very valuable lesson. Then Kristy and Danny go out on assignment.

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Midnight Blog: Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality.

On Friday night I went to bed much earlier than usual. Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality. 🤣 However, I woke up in the middle of the night with multiple things weighing on my mind. Things like the Lenoir County School Board, my upcoming 40th birthday and the 2020 elections. 

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Episode 3.02 with Sen. Jim Perry

Senator Jim Perry is a native of Lenoir County and proud father of three. He went to Woodington Middle School, South Lenoir High School, Lenoir Community College and North Carolina State University. A few days ago, he dropped by Neuse News to chat with BJ about a range of topics including some of his career and life experiences. Jim shared his thoughts on how our legislature works, why we should pay attention to the Second Amendment debate, and the importance of the North Carolina 2020 census.

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