Posts tagged christmas
It's Christmas Time in the City - The Journey, Ep. 51

This year has been full of ups and downs, but I'd do it all over again with these family, our team. If you're going to build a business, build it with people you love, respect and trust. As we inch closer to Christmas, enjoy a few smiles as our team has busy days and an amazing party!

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Midnight Blog: Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality.

On Friday night I went to bed much earlier than usual. Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality. 🤣 However, I woke up in the middle of the night with multiple things weighing on my mind. Things like the Lenoir County School Board, my upcoming 40th birthday and the 2020 elections. 

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One Year Later

A year ago, a few friends set out to take something we’ve all been used to – daily news publication – and conform it to what the market is really saying…and do it with zero cost to the consumer. Neuse News Publisher BJ Murphy looks back at milestones in the development of Neuse News, where it is now, and what’s ahead.

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