Posts tagged election
What's Scarier: Halloween or Politics? - The Journey, Episode 129

Relive a horrifying experience with our team and see the behind-the-scenes of how we put together our greatest livestream broadcast each year. Halloween and Election Night back to back - scary...

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I'm fired. I won't be here tomorrow. - The Journey: Ep 97

See a Facebook Live production behind the scenes from our team meeting to Travis losing his hair, then Norma-Jean fires herself for a big mistake. Ha!

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Final Thoughts on Election Night 2021 - Election Rant

At the close of our Election Results Show Tuesday night, I admonished the residents of the City of Kinston for not voting. Like it or not you may complain about the road conditions, wasteful spending, crime rates, property transfers, etc., but I don't have to listen to you if you don't care enough to vote. Of the last 5 mayoral elections, this race had the 4th worst number of votes EVEN WITH 4 CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR. One would think that more candidates would equate to more voters. It's simply pathetic.

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Post Election Analysis on the Bryan Hanks Show

On Wednesday morning, BJ and community leader Danny Rice went on the Bryan Hanks Show to give some post-election analysis. We spoke with incumbent winner Robbie Swinson and newcomer Chris Suggs. We discussed the accountability of office holders, big decisions coming soon, the role of the mayor, and much more.

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The Bryan Hanks Show: Episode 421 - Danny Rice and BJ Murphy

Danny, a behind-the-scenes mover and shaker in Kinston politics for decades, makes his fifth appearance on the show. B.J., a former two-term mayor of Kinston and founder/publisher of Neuse News and Magic Mile Media, makes his debut on today's show.

Danny, B.J. and Bryan break down the Kinston mayoral and city council races, candidate-by-candidate and also take a look at some of the issues facing the candidates.

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BJ Murphy: If not you, who?

I am more concerned about the next four years for Kinston today than I was four years ago.

The impasses we face with the City of Kinston pose significant challenges for our community’s future, and we need leaders to step up at a time such as this. The mayor’s seat and two councilmembers’ seats are up for grabs, and the $10 filing fee period ends on Friday, July 16th at 12:00 pm.

Now is not the time to complain. Now is not the time to critique. Instead, if you feel led to run or compelled to serve your community greater than your role today, here is your opportunity to influence or shape the change you desire.

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America: Where do we go from here?

The nation is probably as divided as it has been since the American Civil War in the 1860s. The supposed blue wave tsunami that was predicted by the media and pundits did not materialize in the numbers that they proclaimed. The White House may be changing parties, but Republicans picked up several House seats and look to maintain a Senate majority come January.

Despite COVID, lockdowns, a battered economy, partisan hoopla, racial issues, social unrest, riots, and a huge backlash against Trump, the nation is still bitterly divided, almost down the middle of its population. The polls were wrong--again, and many are losing faith in journalists, news, media, and the entire political system.

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Behind the Scenes: Election Night Results Show

Election 2020: 39,400 minutes viewed. 10,400 people reached across 10 states and 10 countries. 467 hearts. 40 shares. 455 comments. And we cannot forget the STARS WAR that went down in the comments - total star count - 9,735. The best part? Informing our community of what was happening right here in OUR backyard. Thank you for making our Election 2020 Results Show a huge success! We do what we do for you!

The Journey, Episode 47

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About last month…again

At the October 5th Kinston City Council meeting, the elected members unanimously approved two motions allowing city employees new vacation days for June 19 and Election Day. With roughly less than five minutes of discussion, both motions passed.

The City of Kinston has 378 positions on payroll and have about 350 positions filled at this time. Let’s assume all 350 are eligible to vote. If 70% take the time to vote, that will equate to approximately 245 employees exercising that right. If 61.2% have already cast their ballots in our area, it would mean about 214 employees have already done so.

Based on historical numbers, the cost per vote on Election Day (31) is roughly $1,729, plus time and a half for our police, fire and other essential employees.

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Preparing for Election Night - The Journey, Ep. 45

12 days away from Election Day and our LIVE Election Night Results Show, but we have been planning for weeks. The pace is fast, creative, and challenging at times but we have the best team in town and we are all excited for November 3rd. This broadcast will be like no other. It's a big night for Neuse News but just another small step along The Journey and we are loving every second.

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The Best Ground Game for Campaigns

COVID-19, economic issues, social unrest, wildfires, natural disasters, and explosive “gotcha” books will help shape the political landscape. Technological advances like geo-targeting and social media will provide new means of communicating candidates’ messages in local and national elections. The old cliche that “all politics is local” continues to ring true, but how do local candidates stand out in the noise of presidential election year rhetoric?

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North Carolina - Trump and Cooper’s Races to Lose

While reporters and TV talking heads continue to refer to North Carolina as a swing state, they are largely mistaken. We do not “swing” between Republicans and Democrats for president and governor much to the media’s chagrin. Our selection of US Senators, however, would qualify for that designation. The reality is that NC tends to vote for Republican presidents, Democratic governors, and flip flops on US Senators.

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School Board Decision Paves Way for More Diversity

The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected everyone in 2020 and will affect us for years to come. I will leave some of the national debate about the economic stress, masks, hydroxychloroquine, or other issues to the pundits. On a local level, the recent potential 18-week decision by the Lenoir County School Board exposed a servant leadership deficit catching parents, teachers and even administrators by surprise.

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Midnight Blog: Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality.

On Friday night I went to bed much earlier than usual. Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality. 🤣 However, I woke up in the middle of the night with multiple things weighing on my mind. Things like the Lenoir County School Board, my upcoming 40th birthday and the 2020 elections. 

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One Year Later

A year ago, a few friends set out to take something we’ve all been used to – daily news publication – and conform it to what the market is really saying…and do it with zero cost to the consumer. Neuse News Publisher BJ Murphy looks back at milestones in the development of Neuse News, where it is now, and what’s ahead.

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