Posts tagged bjmurphy360
It's Christmas Time in the City - The Journey, Ep. 51

This year has been full of ups and downs, but I'd do it all over again with these family, our team. If you're going to build a business, build it with people you love, respect and trust. As we inch closer to Christmas, enjoy a few smiles as our team has busy days and an amazing party!

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That's a Broken Man Right There - The Journey, Episode 50

Our 50th episode of The Journey just happened to fall in the same week as our four year anniversary of starting Magic Mile Media. My only regret? I wish I had captured this journey from DAY ONE. Thank you for your support and thank you for being a part of this journey! Here's to many more!

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Work Hard, Play Hard - The Journey, Ep. 48

Over the last seven days: 228 pieces of content, post-election wrap-up, started and finished a website project, started another website, bought another ______ 👀 🤐, and more, and yet we still had a BLAST. It IS POSSIBLE to work hard and enjoy #thejourney.

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Preparing for 40

The Neuse News team visits Jay Shin's new restaurant in downtown Kinston, Jay's 108. Over lunch, you get a small "taste" of BJ's construction supervisor skills. 🤣 We also visit a client at a new property listing, meet our newest team member, and prepare for BJ's 40th birthday bash. Just another part of #thejourney.

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Midnight Blog: Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality.

On Friday night I went to bed much earlier than usual. Guess this approaching 40 thing is becoming a reality. 🤣 However, I woke up in the middle of the night with multiple things weighing on my mind. Things like the Lenoir County School Board, my upcoming 40th birthday and the 2020 elections. 

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Now's the Time

Have you ever pondered about when to take action? Get some behind the scenes discussion about that and ...

Great client meeting on a fun project. Gracie loses to a cabinet. We continue to make progress in our new office and studio. And more. If we were ever going to invest in our studio, now's the time. Don't sleep on us...we have a lot of good things coming!

Now's the Time - The Journey, Episode 36

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A Peek Inside Magic Mile Media

Take an interesting look inside a business meeting with one of our Magic Mile Media social media clients, Brooks Poole, Realtor, as we discuss strategies for his Facebook page. (If you haven't liked his page you should do that now. Fun stuff happening there.) Neuse News covers the new UPS store at MedSource Pharmacy and, of course, no vlog is complete without a dose of Gracie Herring and Mackenzie Cannon. We are loving this journey!

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Having a Blast - The Journey, Episode 32

This episode of The Journey really captures the personality and atmosphere in which we get to work on a daily basis. It looks like we are having a lot of fun and we are. But what you do not see is that between Neuse News and Magic Mile Media our team was responsible for 147 pieces of content just last week. Yes, we actually do work really hard. And we have a blast doing it. It is so important to love what you do!

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So, about last month...

Have you ever had something gnaw at you long enough that you finally had to address it?

Last month the City of Kinston requested that Neuse News run a Public Notice informing the community of the proposed Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget. Having served for eight years as mayor, I know the budget process and numbers well. Glaring to me was the proposed $26,100 increase in the mayor and council’s salary line item. Surely that was a mistake. Surely in a time like this that would not be on the table.

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