Posts tagged local news
Hold Up, Wait - The Journey, Episode 62

As we start cranking out more vlogs, you're getting to see more of the day-to-day in our office. In this episode, new team members are in-serviced on our clients and current projects. BJ discusses the day-to-day operations and how easily they can be disrupted with breaking news. He also gives a HUGE social media tip, Kristy heads out on a news assignment, and BJ procrastinates. Do whaaaaaa???

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From Lugnuts to Manhunts, The Journey - Ep. 49

The week started out like it always does - busy and fun. But we ended on a much more serious note. It's moments like this along the journey that makes us realize how reporting fast and accurate news really makes a difference in our community. There was a collective sigh of relief as we went to sleep feeling grateful and safe.

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Publisher or Platform? It’s time to end Big Tech censorship

One of the unique ideals of our country is that we’re able to express views and beliefs without fear of reprisal or censorship. And the internet has brought forth a plethora of opportunities to distribute information through a multitude of platforms and websites. But with the acceptance of differing voices came also the silencing of dissenting opinions by those with a monopoly on power and information...namely Facebook, Google and Twitter. These tech giants have created amazing platforms for people to connect, yet now have the undaunting task of policing those platforms in the scope of free speech without sacrificing what their ad dollars crave - your attention and engagement.

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Dad Makes His Rounds - The Journey, Episode 44

We are inching closer to our Election Night Show and our phone has been ringing off the hook with people in need of video production and we are living for it! It has been so busy but not too busy to meet Dad at Lovick's. Buster is back and he is the real star of the show. On this "Journey" remember the things that matter most.

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Life Stories and Career Advice

What philosophies have driven BJ to get to where he is today? On November 18, 2019, he revealed this and more to students of East Carolina University. BJ talked about his own student days, his career journey and his sojourn into politics. Besides giving career advice and nuggets on entrepreneurship, BJ shared the story of how Neuse News came to be.

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