Posts tagged democrats
America: Where do we go from here?

The nation is probably as divided as it has been since the American Civil War in the 1860s. The supposed blue wave tsunami that was predicted by the media and pundits did not materialize in the numbers that they proclaimed. The White House may be changing parties, but Republicans picked up several House seats and look to maintain a Senate majority come January.

Despite COVID, lockdowns, a battered economy, partisan hoopla, racial issues, social unrest, riots, and a huge backlash against Trump, the nation is still bitterly divided, almost down the middle of its population. The polls were wrong--again, and many are losing faith in journalists, news, media, and the entire political system.

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North Carolina - Trump and Cooper’s Races to Lose

While reporters and TV talking heads continue to refer to North Carolina as a swing state, they are largely mistaken. We do not “swing” between Republicans and Democrats for president and governor much to the media’s chagrin. Our selection of US Senators, however, would qualify for that designation. The reality is that NC tends to vote for Republican presidents, Democratic governors, and flip flops on US Senators.

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