Posts tagged catherine hardee
What's Scarier: Halloween or Politics? - The Journey, Episode 129

Relive a horrifying experience with our team and see the behind-the-scenes of how we put together our greatest livestream broadcast each year. Halloween and Election Night back to back - scary...

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We're Spoiled - The Journey, Ep 128

Miss Wendell makes a surprise visit as our team juggles candidate interviews, client meetings, authentic Italian meatballs, and a lizard! Who says we're spoiled?

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I'm fired. I won't be here tomorrow. - The Journey: Ep 97

See a Facebook Live production behind the scenes from our team meeting to Travis losing his hair, then Norma-Jean fires herself for a big mistake. Ha!

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Preparing for Election Night - The Journey, Ep. 45

12 days away from Election Day and our LIVE Election Night Results Show, but we have been planning for weeks. The pace is fast, creative, and challenging at times but we have the best team in town and we are all excited for November 3rd. This broadcast will be like no other. It's a big night for Neuse News but just another small step along The Journey and we are loving every second.

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So, about last month...

Have you ever had something gnaw at you long enough that you finally had to address it?

Last month the City of Kinston requested that Neuse News run a Public Notice informing the community of the proposed Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget. Having served for eight years as mayor, I know the budget process and numbers well. Glaring to me was the proposed $26,100 increase in the mayor and council’s salary line item. Surely that was a mistake. Surely in a time like this that would not be on the table.

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