Posts tagged office
What's Scarier: Halloween or Politics? - The Journey, Episode 129

Relive a horrifying experience with our team and see the behind-the-scenes of how we put together our greatest livestream broadcast each year. Halloween and Election Night back to back - scary...

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We're Spoiled - The Journey, Ep 128

Miss Wendell makes a surprise visit as our team juggles candidate interviews, client meetings, authentic Italian meatballs, and a lizard! Who says we're spoiled?

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From a Few Cookies to All the Things - The Journey, Ep 115

BJ gets conned into buying lunch for the whole office. The interns also learn a very valuable lesson. Then Kristy and Danny go out on assignment.

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The Lunch Matrix - The Journey, Ep. 108

Politics in La Grange to music videos at Rochelle to selling houses with dry erase marker mustaches. You never know what our team is up to. Ha! But the real question is "how does your office decide on lunch?" All this and more on The Journey, Episode 108 - The Lunch Matrix.

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