Posts tagged tony sears
Neuse News Sports - The Journey, Ep 118

Our team hosts a social laying out the case for Neuse News Sports, a new division of Neuse News. It's a project we've worked on for months and plan on launching in mid-August. See the silliness behind the scenes that make up our fun work environment - we create TikToks, our interns get silly, and we make business happen.

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So, about last month...

Have you ever had something gnaw at you long enough that you finally had to address it?

Last month the City of Kinston requested that Neuse News run a Public Notice informing the community of the proposed Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget. Having served for eight years as mayor, I know the budget process and numbers well. Glaring to me was the proposed $26,100 increase in the mayor and council’s salary line item. Surely that was a mistake. Surely in a time like this that would not be on the table.

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