Church and technology

I am so happy to see many churches using the tools available to them to get their message out this morning. This progression is NECESSARY for the growth of the church and I hope they'll continue to improve. ðŸ™Œ If you aren't sharing your message where people's eyeballs are, then people are getting somebody's message (insert hollywood, gossip, media, satan, etc. here). You know why? Because we're hooked on our devices, whether we want to admit it or not. ðŸ‘€

Now is the time to double down your investment in technology. That's microphones plugged into the internet feed, that's cameras with good lighting, that's internet the people on your tech team. Invest in online training (see udemy and others). Invest not to replace the gathering of the people, but to understand more people are at home during your service than are physically present.

And if you're feed is not perfect...that's fine. Doing nothing is worse than trying to reach the people.

Because of technology, your audience is more than the citizens in your community. Because of technology, you can reach people across the globe. Because of technology you can accept donations online. Because of technology you can actually win souls to the Lord.

Take this time where it seems so dire for many around the world and speak LIFE and TRUTH into cell phones, laptops, TV's and tablets...because there is a human being on the other end WATCHING and LISTENING and LEARNING from you.

To your success,