Go All In on Your Strengths

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in business is the value of focusing on strengths. This doesn’t just apply to companies—it applies to individuals too. Often, we’re told to work on improving our weaknesses, but what if the key to success is actually doubling down on what you’re already good at?

When I started Magic Mile Media, I quickly realized that our greatest strengths were the relationships we had built with business owners and our deep understanding of social media. By focusing on those strengths, our team was able to grow a business that truly stands out.

In school, we’re often encouraged to bring our weakest subjects up to par. If you have a 70 in a class, you’re expected to push it to an 80, or if you’re getting A’s and B’s, the goal becomes getting straight A’s. That works in school because you’re expected to be well-rounded, but in business—and life—that’s not always the most effective strategy.

In the real world, success comes from mastering what you’re already good at. If you’re naturally strong in science, art, sports, or any specific subject, focusing on sharpening that strength will take you much further than spreading yourself thin trying to excel in areas that don’t come naturally to you. Businesses thrive by being exceptional in a few key areas, and the same principle applies to individuals.

"Go all in on your strengths" is a mantra I often share with teenagers because it leads to greater happiness and success. Instead of trying to perfect every skill, focus on what makes you unique and let that drive your growth. By embracing what you’re best at, you’ll find more fulfillment and be able to contribute in ways that truly set you apart. Whether in business or life, your strengths are the key to building a successful future.